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COVID-19: We offer videoconference therapy with Google Meet’s secure application.

Dre Dona Roy

Ph.D., Psychologist and Clinical director

Dona Roy is a doctor of psychology, a graduate of the University of Quebec in Montreal and a member of the Order of Psychologists of Quebec. She has acquired her expertise in over 16 years of work in both private and public multidisciplinary settings where the best practices in psychology are applied. She is passionate about the psychological well-being of youths and their families.

Her areas of expertise include emotional and behavioral difficulties, anxiety and neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorder and attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity. She works with your family, the school and the various health and educational specialists to help your child and to help you.

Offered services :

Teletherapy and in-person services based on cognitive behavioral therapy

Individual psychotherapy, parental coaching and family interventions

Counseling services for young children, teens, families and emerging young adults

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